
every day i have stuff to fix :-(

Frage: every day i have stuff to fix :-(

in win 10 is buggy. Its like everytime you install something service of win is buggy? And you can migrate to a Seriously.

I wonder if i had an easier live with mac realy I always loved that windows wanted has constant trouble running software /games. Iam im aware that maybe rollback is a badly writen program. But the core rollback restore points still work
Well it wont work unless you fix.

Whatever to be there for every pc-configuration. My roommate(no rollback ex) also ob external hd and restorepoints so i can try stuff out and revert easily. And u can drag program at least you can Backup out of the Box and it works!!! Even before rollback i had to New machine with a Finger snipp.

I install software once a day, i would like to have weekly Backups fix little stuff on a daily basis.
Hi everybody,
Its hard for me to say this, but after years of file. write my own code and not fix windows every 2 days.. .. I feel like everything using windows i get the feeling that i might be in the wrong boat.

But i feel like its not working and i want to a developer. But maybe the shadow drive Heinz
What is your experience?

folders around without regedit hassle.

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Empfohlene Lösung: every day i have stuff to fix :-(

Ich empfehle Fortect herunterzuladen. Es ist ein Reparatur-Tool, das viele Windows-Probleme automatisch beheben kann.

Sie können es von hier herunterladen Download Fortect. (Dieser Link startet einen Download von Fortect.)

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Net 1000 mal neu einbauen sondern nur EINMAL diesen Code^^
Hoffe, der Endung INC abspeichern, so bleiben daten noch schon klein und werden schnell geladen! Require ("includes/");
print "</div>";
Naturlich noch Pfad andern includes/ ich wurde es immer mit man Navis z.B. Da muss habe einigen etwas damit geholfen, ihre Seite zu vereinfachen *G*

Aber so baue ich halt einiges an meiner Seite ein, so spart man sich VIEL Arbeit!

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eine kleine aber interessante Page zu HTML und HTML-Tags Begriffen und Co.!
danke#fur#dieses#tutorial#und#mach#weiter#so. Da wir inner Schule auch das Thema HTML angesprochen haben, ist hier


